Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Potty Trained

I am such a proud Mommy! I thought for sure since my daughter is so stubborn that potty training was going to be such a difficult task, but boy was I wrong!

In two weeks she was going potty on her own. She would say pee pee and run to the potty. Because I allowed her to run around with nothing on her bottom, she did it on her own. Whenever, she has pants on, she says “pee pee” and I take her to the potty and pull her pants down for her.

going potty

going potty

First I must say, she would continue to wet herself whenever I put a pull up on her. For instance when we went to see the boys or went out anywhere, I would put a pull up on her. By the time we got home the pull up would be soaked. She wouldn’t even come to me telling me that she went or had to go.

After a while, she would tell me “pee pee” after she already went. Therefore, after I saw that she was going regularly at home I made the decision to not put pull ups on her anymore when we went out after the third week.

I started by bringing the potty to my ex’s house when we spent time with the boys (every other day). Then I got sick of doing that so I only did it twice. I then would just bring extra panties with me.

I swear to you she only had about three accidents and that was it! Can you believe that?!

On top of that, I only showed her to move her bowels twice and she has never done that on herself!!!

I can’t believe this! The two times that I showed her happened because she stood by me with this crazy look on her face and she had her butt sticking out. At first I was like “what?”, then it dawned on me so I picked her up and took her to the potty. This happened both times. After that she goes to the potty to move her bowels everyday since.

(caution: image may not be suitable for the squeemish)


Unbelievable!! Do you know only one out of my five boys moved his bowels without any mistakes at the age of two. The other four would hold it in as long as they could, thereby leaving tracks in their underwear until they were four years old!

Crazeee!!! It really is true that we females are a different breed. I guess she said she don’t want that shit on her. I truly underestimated her. Even all my friends are mad surprised.

I am so proud of her…very surprised…but much more proud.

1 comment:

  1. One of the most challenging aspects of babyhood is baby potty training, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting your little guy or gal out of diapers and onto a baby potty.
