I just delivered my first on 7/7 and we are bf'ing. We met with the lactation consultant in the hospital so I already know that he has a really strong suck - although he latches on well - his bottom lip slides up while feeding and he ends up just getting the nipple after awhile (we are working on holding the bottom lip down). Anyway - here is my question. I can't tell if he has blisters on his top lip or if that is just the way his lips are (it's almost as if he is wearing lip liner - darker around the edges and then lower on his top lip the skin in lighter and looks bumpy - doesn't seem sore or to be bothering him). Is it possible that b/c of his strong sucking that he is causing blisters on his top lip? What would one do to correct/heal? Any advice/opinions are appreciated!
It sounds to me like something I've experienced with all three of my kids - their lips do tend to "blister" and peel in the beginning. Now I haven't experienced any problems like what you've described as far as the bottom lip sliding up, but with my kids, their lips got really bumpy looking, and then started peeling. I don't really remember if I did anything in particular for my first two (they are 7 and 8 now) but with my newest (one month old already on the 9th!!!), we just put a tiny bit of vaseline on her lips, and after two or three applications, all the bumps were gone, and we've not had any more trouble with it. It seemed to my dh and I that it really bothered Joyce, so that's when we decided to try the vaseline. And it worked!! You could also try Lansinoh - which actually I think would be better for baby, but we didn't know about that stuff until after we solved our problem!!! Lansinoh works great though on sore nipples!!
Well, I'm not sure if I was any help, but I sure hope so!! Again, congratulations and have fun with your new baby - they grow up SO QUICKLY!!!
Kenyatta :
When your son is latched on and nursing, BOTH of his lips should be turned outward ...almost like an open mouth pucker. You should be able to SEE his lips on your areola.
If his lips are turned inward, and you cannot see his lips, THAT may be the cause of any blistering, because of friction from sucking against your nipple.
When you insert your nipple, try to get his mouth to open as wide as possible, even if it means breaking the suck with your pinkie, and reinserting until he gets it right.
I used to rub my nipple across Christian's lips, until he opened wide enough, and then I'd stick it in!
Also, to be on the safe side, call your pede and/or LC too.
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