This subject is a very touchy one.
Many feel that you should never hit anyone, let alone a child. While others feel that the bible said it best “spare the rod, spoil the child”.
Of course, this usually balls down to race and culture.
Black, Hispanic, and Italians will whoop their kids’ behinds while White and…
…I guess I can only think of that one race of people who do not believe that kids should be beaten.
I am not saying that all of either races beat their children or do not, but I am talking the majority.
So I say that to say this…
Personally, I beat my kids. Well I do not really beat them per say, but I do believe in physical discipline. I have only been lucky that I don’t need to hit them because of the fear that I will hit them.
They only know this from their past. I spank the hands and legs of my children at the age of two.
By the time they are three, they know “what time it is” and they become well behaved. Well all except my oldest who has some serious anger issues.
However, be that as it may, he has never in his 16 years disrespected ME! He is very disrespectful to his teachers though and we can chuck that up to adolescence. When they tell me to come in, by the time I get there, he is all in tears because he knows what comes next.
In his defense, I really believe that he cannot help himself. He is in great need of anger management.
I feel that it is very necessary to beat your children because if they do not fear you then they will not fear anyone. That may then result in you having a delinquent on your hands who may eventually grow to become something worse.
Now I am not saying abuse your children. You should not be hitting them to really cause them any harm. Do not pick up objects to hit them with (unless it is a belt, which I never used myself but I don’t judge those who do).
Your hand is very effective!
If your child suffers marks and bruises as a result of you beating them, then this is abuse and I do not condone this!
I am just saying that people, particularly the White race, needs to learn the difference.
If my child isn’t afraid of consequences from me, then who are you going to turn to if my child robs, steals or physically harms you in any way.
Remember, children under the age of 18 are usually turned over to their parents with the exception of murder. If they know there will be no consequences, then what is to stop them from doing it again?
All I know is that I have five boys who will grow up to be Black men and they already have the cards stacked against them. If I don’t handle the situation now, then it will never be handled.
The way I see it, I should be thanked and congratulated that my children are well behaved for fear of my wrath…
…You are very welcome!
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