I know when new parents become pregnant their main concern is if they are going to be any good at caring for babies when the baby is upset.
What you should realize is that once the baby is here, almost everything important becomes instinctive. You find very soon that the baby is probably crying for either hunger or wet diaper.
If you do both, feed and change the baby, and they continue to cry, then maybe you should take him/her to the doctor because they may have a serious issue such as colic or any other serious baby issue.
You can never be too sure.
You will find that caring for babies can be really hard, especially when you have a “cryer”.
There is nothing worse than constantly hearing that high pitch cry from a baby.
Even when they aren’t colicky, hungry or wet, sometimes they just cry.
If you haven’t received enough rest (especially when breast feeding) than it makes it twice as hard to deal with the crying. The most important thing that you need to do is keep your patience.
Never lose your cool because it may lead to baby shaking, neglect and/or death.
I know from experience that post partum is also a serious issue and if you feel that you are having bad thoughts and ideas about harming the baby you should first talk with your spouse and then seek professional help.
If professional help is not a possibility, please talk with a family member and ask them to help you by relieving you for a couple of hours or a day and let them take care of the baby for that time.
This will at least give you some time to gain your composure before you do anything drastic.
Always keep in mind that caring for babies is a very stressful, but beautiful event that all we parents must endure.
You are not alone.
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